During ESPN2’s Friday airing of “His & Hers,” co-hosts Jemele Hill and Michael Smith opined on the Danica Patrick and Denny Hamlin confrontation, in which Patrick scolded Hamlin for wrecking her in practice, as well as the Daytona 500 qualifying race the day after.

Hill believes that the way Hamlin spoke to her in the confrontation in a patronizing manner.

“It looked like he was being patronizing. And I know he didn’t mean it that way, but that’s the way it came off. And the optics of it, obviously, they’re going to catch a lot of people because some people are going to say ‘Oh, there she is, Danica Patrick, woman, getting all emotional, as if drivers don’t often confront each other. Other people are taking it to the gender level. I will say this, thought. Those two are friends, and I think that is partly why this won’t boil over.”

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