Talk radio host and author of “The Liberty Amendments,” Mark Levin argued that President Obama was “re-distributing a shrinking pie” on Monday in response to the president urging higher capital gains taxes.
“If you’re taxed on something again, do you spend more money? No, you spend less money. You have less money to spend…you have less money to spread the wealth through voluntary, private sector decision-making” Levin stated.
He continued, “so instead, in comes the iron fist, grabs the money and says ‘I know what I’m going to do with this, I’m going to make child care more available.’ Oh, the way you made education more available in colleges and blew the roof off that so student loans are now over a trillion dollars, you mean like that? Or the way you’re driving up the price of electricity, intentionally, through your EPA? Or the way you’re driving up the price of food through all your regulations? The price of natural resources to construct homes? You’re driving up the price of everything in the economy. Oh, but don’t worry, more taxes so we can social engineer some more.”
Levin concluded, “what Obama is all about, is re-distributing a shrinking pie.”
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