BP Agent: Mexico’s Border Probably ‘More Intimidating’ Than US’

National Border Patrol Council Vice President Shawn Moran blasted Mexico for its “double standard” on border enforcement and argued that Mexico’s southern border is “probably a little more intimidating than our border is” on Tuesday’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto” on the Fox News Channel.

“The things they do to citizens of other countries, they would never stand for even a tenth of that inflicted upon any of their citizens. It is definitely a double standard. The southern border of Mexico looks very much like the southern border of the United States with fences and guard posts and probably a little more intimidating than our border is” he said.

Moran detailed the treatment of people caught crossing the border into Mexico illegally stating “the stories we get from the people that we have caught from Central America, they are much more violent, much more intolerant. And if somebody, no matter what country they’re from, they know if they are caught by a US Border Patrol Agent, they are going to be treated fairly, they are going to be processed and sent back to their country in almost all cases. but the people we talk to, the Central Americans that are apprehended in mexico and then later caught by us, they tell us stories of being robbed and beaten, raped in some cases. it’s just a very dangerous journey and it’s also a different environment in terms of law enforcement.”

He added, “it’s always been a double standard, when it comes to law enforcement, in terms of mexico. But I do have to hand it to them, at least they’re taking illegal immigration seriously in their country.”

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