Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson reported that his department was “pursuing” comments made by Michael Brown’s stepfather and that “there’s a lot of discussion” about charging the stepfather with inciting a riot for screaming “burn this b*tch down” after the grand jury’s decision was announced on Monday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel.

“We are pursuing those comments, and there’s a lot of discussion going on about that right now. But, I really can’t get into that at this time” he stated when asked about the stepfather’s comments.

Jackson was also asked about potentially charging Dorian Johnson, who was with Brown when he was shot with perjury, Jackson responded “that’s going to be up to the Prosecuting Attorney’s office to look into that. we’re very focused on getting all the violent criminals that went through our community the other night.”

He further argued that those who looted and rioted after the verdict should be prosecuted “to the full extent of the law”

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