Protester Blocking San Diego Freeway Drops F-Bomb on Live TV

Protester Blocking San Diego Freeway Drops F-Bomb on Live TV

STRONG LANGUAGE WARNING: Wednesday in San Diego approximately 60 to 70 UCSD students brought traffic to a stop on the I-5 freeway to protest Monday’s grand jury announcement that Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson will not face charges for fatally shooting Michael Brown.

A KSWB Fox 5 reporter was interviewing the students when near the end of the video one of the students gets emotional and start screaming when the reporter asked what toll the announcement has taken on the San Diego students.   

She screamed out, “Students didn’t sleep. I have been sleep deprived for the past year. We wear black clothes to protest. We wear black in solidarity. I’m out of black clothes. It’s to the extent I don’t have any more black clothes to wear, that I have to wear black cothes every fu–ing day.”

The station quickly cut back to a shocked anchor who apologized for the language being aired. 

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