Wednesday, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) said President Barack Obama was conducting an illegal war against ISIS and to do so without congressional approval is “the height of public immorality.”
Kaine said, “How dare we ask people to risk that if we are not willing to do our job and have a debate in front of the American public and put a thumb print on a mission to say this is in the national interest. What are we are afraid of having that debate we don’t want to say that it’s in the national interest but don’t risk your life That seems to be the height of public immorality what can you do that would be more publicly immoral than ordering people to risk their lives without having a discussion of whether the mission is worth it or not.”
“We have been engaged in a war that is not about immanent defense of the United States without legal authority,” adding “and I frankly view the argument that either the 01 or 02 authorizations covers this mission against ISIS as ridiculous.”
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