On Thursday’s “The O’Reilly Factor,” former Clinton adviser James Carville acknowledged what some Democrats have been reluctant to, which is Tuesday’s midterms were a devastating loss for their party.
Partial transcript as follows:
O’REILLY: First of all Carville, you’re going to owe me a big expensive dinner because Mary Landrieu in Louisiana is going to lose. And you know it. 200,000 voted for the third candidate who was more conservative than her primary challenger and they’re not voting for her. So she’s done.
CARVILLE: I dissent, but go ahead.
O’REILLY: Secondly, how distraught are you over what happened on Tuesday?
CARVILLE: Pretty bad. I mean it was real, real thumping. It was a mega defeat. It can’t be spun any other way.
O’REILLY: Okay, so are you going to move out? Are you and Mary Matalin, your wife, are you guys going to the South Pacific, New Zealand?
CARVILLE: No. We’re going to go to work on 2016. There’s an election every two years. We had a good election in 2012, a bad one in 2014. I think Democrats will have a good one in 2016.
O’REILLY: Do you want to re-impose the income redistribution and the welfare state that Americans have so soundly rejected?
CARVILLE: Let the Republicans get rid of the progressive income tax. I’m for it. I think it is a very good idea. I was listening to your thing. One of the things we should be for if we want to help these people under $50,000 [a year] is cut the payroll tax. That would put money right in their pocket.
(h/t RCP Video)
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