Sunday on CNN’s “Inside Politics,” The New York Tines’ Jonathan Martin said the Ebola crisis is another example Republicans can use to to question the “competence” of President Barack Obama.
Martin said, “This is a gift wrap issue for the GOP for two reasons. The first one is competence, the fact is that this is one more example that they can cite to point out President Obama has not run a competent federal government. It’s a pretty visceral issue, a fatal disease, coming to American soil. But the second issue is, is a larger question of a world coming undone. The backdrop of events to which this election is playing out. whether it’s beheadings, whether it’s Ebola. you know, the events taking place with Vladimir Putin. For republicans, they simply have to point and say competence and chaos. And that’s a pretty compelling message in a year that structurally is good for them anyway.”
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