On Wednesday, Fox News Channel’s Shepard Smith went off on the national media for its coverage of Ebola and downplayed any possible risks of Ebola to his viewers.
That critique drew the ire of some, including conservative talker Rush Limbaugh. On his Thursday radio show, Limbaugh took aim at Smith by pointing out that while the Fox News Channel anchor is arguing for calm with the Ebola outbreak, he exhibited his own hysteria in 2005 during Hurricane Katrina.
“Shep Smith was crying so much during his reporting from New Orleans in Hurricane Katrina his mascara was running,” Limbaugh said. “But we need to dial it all back here. Radio, TV and print — loud voices seeking ratings of course. And who I think – who is it that’s always touting its ratings? Isn’t Fox?”
(h/t Mediaite)
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