Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Shepard Smith Reporting,” managing editor of Fox News Channel’s breaking news division, Shepard Smith, slammed the news coverage of the Ebola outbreak.
Smith said, “Here at home, the whole world its jumping up and down. You would think 4 million people in American have Ebola, wouldn’t you — you would think. I’ve been on vacation, and occasionally on vacation you turn on television channels, lots of them. My God you would think that every one on the planet has Ebola. One American has gotten Ebola. We’ll take you to Dallas for the latest on the fight against Ebola gotten in the United States and what the CDC boss is saying today about the apparent breach of protocol. He used that phrase yesterday and said, ‘Man, have misunderstood what I was talking about because I wasn’t knocking any hospital. Ebola.’ We’ll talk about it. Fair, balanced, with context and perspective. That’s coming up.”
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