Beckel Praises Breitbart, Threatens Mattera: 'Bring A Knife Punk'

Beckel Praises Breitbart, Threatens Mattera: 'Bring A Knife Punk'

Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “The Five,” during a segment on conservative activist Jason Mattera’s video attempting to ask disgraced former IRS official Lois Lerner questions while she was walking her dog through her neighborhood, co-host Bob Beckel threatened Mattera.

Greg Gutfeld opened the segment on conservative messaging by comparing the confrontational Mattera piece to an ad by Breitbart’s Jon Kahn that he said “defines the problem clearly and cleverly.” 

Beckel grew angry saying, “Let me move to this Jason, let me give a very special comment to him. You’re twice as young as I am, you’re a punk, you’re a coward. My name is Bob Beckel. You’re a coward. You’re a punk. You pick on people and you deserve to have your — kicked. so get in touch with me.” 

He added, “That’s not a good guy chasing some poor person.”

Co-host Eric Bolling brought up Andrew Breitbart saying, “Andrew Breitbart was a victim of a million of these. They loved to just corner him somewhere wherever he was and stick a microphone and start peppering him like that.” Beckel complimented Breitbart who was known for skillful confrontations saying, “That was an insult to Breitbart’s history. That was an insult by a guy who is a punk and a lousy ling un-American punk.”

Beckel ended his rant by telling Mattera to, “Bring a knife, punk.”

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