PayPal co-founder and author Peter Thiel argued that the “liberal consensus” of the American education system should be questioned on Friday’s “Laura Ingraham Show.”  

Thiel stated that the “liberal consensus” that controls the American education system creates problems of over-competition, and fosters a situation where “the more talented you are, the more narrow the set of things you end up doing…and I think that’s a crazy way for our society to be functioning.”

He also argued that start-up businesses should try to find markets where they are a monopoly.  Thiel stated that monopolies are not inherently bad and that “too much competition” could be harmful because it causes people to “lost sight of more important things.” He further contrasted capitalism, where companies with monopolies like Google can make large profits and control capital, with competition, where firms compete heavily, but nobody makes massive profits or accumulates a substantial amount of capital.

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