On his Thursday Blaze TV show, commentator Glenn Beck made an unexpected gesture in commending Arianna Huffington, the president and editor-in-chief of the left-leaning Huffington Post.
Beck’s praise stemmed from an August blog post from Huffington in which he argued show the true story of Ferguson, MO, which had been embroiled in turmoil over the shooting of Michael Brown for two weeks last month.
“Let me give some credit right off of the bat to somebody that no one would expect me to give credit to – Arianna Huffington,” Beck said. “Last week while I was on vacation, I clicked on the Huffington Post, not something I usually do, but I did. And at a time when most were using Ferguson to divide or gain power, Arianna Huffington wrote a piece herself showing the full picture, which was quite different from the picture that the media has left us all with.”
Beck’s soliloquy about Huffington and theme she had presented was acknowledged by the Huffington Post in write-up on Thursday.
The purveyor of the Blaze added that he thought he was alone in the so-called untold story coverage of Ferguson, but in pointing out Huffington’s two-week-old post had said it demonstrates a larger need to show how to disagree but get along.
“I just didn’t notice what Arianna was doing as well,” he continued. “Both were pointing out exactly who we are. It’s who we have always been and I think we have to actually try really hard not to be those people – as long as we don’t forget ourselves. We have to be reminded because we’re beginning to forget.”
“We know how to do these things,” Beck added. “We know how to disagree but still get along. We’ve just forgotten how to practice it. We know what it means to be an American, but we’re a little tired. That’s why I brought up Arianna Huffington. I don’t know Arianna. I can pretty much guarantee you we disagree on almost every policy we could imagine. And we’re not having lunch anytime soon, I’m sure. We couldn’t be further apart politically.’
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