Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer slammed President Barack Obama’s handling of the war on terror and the rise of ISIS on Friday’s “Special Report” on the Fox News Channel.
“I don’t think the issue is the president was unaware or taken by surprise. I think this was willful blindness to the nature of the threat. For the five and a half years he’s been in office, he’s tried to minimize the whole idea of the war on terror. He abolished the term. He gave a speech six months ago saying the war on terror must end, it’s damaging our country, as if he can unilaterally declare an end to a war when the other guy hasn’t declared an end on his side.”
“He has said the tide of war is receding, but he did that by defining the threat and the enemy as Al Qaeda central, as if the enemy is a club that lives in Pakistan or parts of Afghanistan and that’s it. So, whenever you had an explosion of Islamic radicalism in Mali or Libya or elsewhere, it was considered something else, as he said, a ‘jayvee’ team,” Krauthammer said. “This is a willful attempt to actually will away the war that we were looking at. Well now with ISIS, the pretense to pretend otherwise can no longer exist. He knows the threat is there, and what’s happening is he isn’t on board. This is his advisers in the military trying to prepare him for a decision he has not yet made but is going to have to make.”
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