Politico chief economic correspondent Ben White argued that President Barack Obama’s frequent golfing will hurt Democrats in the Senate on Friday’s broadcast of CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”
“I think it took a turn for the serious this past week…one minute he’s on TV talking about the beheading of an American journalist. People are scared, people are freaked out about ISIS they’re certainly scared about what happened to this young man and his family, and then he’s smiling with Alonzo Mourning on the golf course about ten minutes later” he said.
White added, “The juxtaposition of those images is troubling to people, and not just Republicans, who will always criticize him for whatever he does, but for Democrats, there are Democrats on the record quoted in that New York Times story and elsewhere saying this was a bad idea. This was a bad move on his part because it reinforces this narrative and this notion that people have that he’s somewhat checked out from the job right now, that there’s a lot of stuff he doesn’t really like to deal with, he looks kind of pained and tired when he’s talking to the American people, and then a few minutes later, he looks happy-go-lucky, on top of the world playing golf and that’s not what you want from your president.”
He then looked to recent polling in the New Hampshire Senate race showing Scott Brown in a virtual tie with Democrat Senator Jeanne Shaheen along with Obama’s low approval rating in New Hampshire, and concluded, “[Obama] is dragging Democrats down right now, and stuff like this, stuff like the golfing after the Foley announcement, are not going to help, it’s going to hurt Democrats in the senate.
(h/t RNC Research)
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