Rep. Tom Cotton (R-AR) declared, “We have a crisis at our border. It’s in chaos” on Tuesday’s broadcast of “Your World with Neil Cavuto” on the Fox News Channel. 

“The president two years ago suspended the immigration laws as it relates to a class of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants who are currently here, and second, [Sen.] Mark Pryor (D-AR) has voted to grant amnesty to almost 12 million illegal immigrants who are currently in our country. Word gets out very quickly across the world when American politicians don’t have the will-power to enforce our borders and immigration laws. That’s chief cause of the crisis we see on our southern border today,” he stated.

Cotton also responded to Rep. Barbara Lee’s (D-CA) comments that she was “ashamed” at the country’s treatment of unaccompanied minors crossing the southern border. 

“I am proud our country’s long and distinguished history of offering protection to those who face religious persecution, or political persecution, or persecution because of their sex, or race, or their ethnicity. However we are a country with borders and we can’t simply open the borders to every country that has high crime rates or much poverty. We wouldn’t have borders, we wouldn’t have a sovereign country anymore” Cotton said.

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