Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” host Andrea Mitchell asked if the humanitarian crisis of unaccompanied children flooding across the U.S.-Mexico border has been cause by President Barack Obama’s so-called “DREAM Act” executive order. 

Alan Gomez, the immigration reporter at USA Today, explained that reporters have a hard time understanding the changes, extensions and cut-off dates in immigration law, so the message in Central America is Obama’s executive order allows children under 18 to stay with details like the deadlines getting “lost in translation.”

Gomez  said, “You have Congress talking about a bill to allow a lot of people to stay here and then President Obama as you were talking about creating a federal program to allow the Dreamers to stay in the country. That also had a cut-off date but I can tell you that’s part of the message got lost in translation a lot of times.”

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