In an interview that aired on Wednesday’s broadcast of Sean Hannity’s radio show, Jill Tahmooressi, the mother of Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, a Marine currently jailed in Mexico for accidently crossing the border with weapons, stated that “right now, the only hope we have of release, is through the judicial system in Mexico.”
According to Tahmooressi, “the executive branch certainly hasn’t shown any interest” in getting her son out of prison during. She added that she found the Obama administration labeling her son an “issue” to be “highly offensive.”
Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ), who has visited Tahmooressi in prison declared that Tahmooressi would be free “if the president would invest one ounce of care on this issue,” and that “if the president made the call [Tahmooressi’s release] would happen quickly.”
He added that the president had spoken to Mexican officials by phone last week, and failed to mention Tahmooressi. Salmon expressed frustration that “after the president went to great pains to tell the American people that he’s going to everything he can…to leave no solider behind…and yet he’s not doing it in this instance for a young man who is an undisputed hero.”
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