Rand Paul Calls for an 'Expanded Work Visa Program'

Rand Paul Calls for an 'Expanded Work Visa Program'

Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) warned conservatives when it comes to immigration reform  the party needs to “get beyond” the term amnesty and move the focus to border security and work visas. The Kentucky Republican said, “I don’t think any immigration reform will get out of Washington. I do think there is a path to a secure border and an expanded work visa program.”

“I think that everyone needs to be for some form of immigration reform because the status quo is untenable,” he continued. “So I consider myself a bridge to conservative community because I’m about as conservative as they come, a little libertarian too … If we do nothing, 11 million more people will come illegally, so we have to do something.”

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