Jeb Hensarling Dodges House GOP Leadership Question

Jeb Hensarling Dodges House GOP Leadership Question

Over the past several weeks, there has been some speculation as to who may take the reins of the Republican House leadership should House Speaker John Boehner step down from his post. Two of those names include House Majority Eric Cantor (R-VA) and Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee.

In an appearance on Laura Ingraham’s radio show on Thursday, Hensarling was asked about the future of the House leadership on the Republican, but declined to give a response.

“In this case Laura, I think I’m going to respectfully decline the question merely because I try to wake up in the morning and figure out the best way to advance the conservative cause,” Hensarling said. “Talking about Republican leadership races before November, before we’ve even secured our majority in the House or advanced one in the Senate just don’t find to be all that useful. And it’s not something as far as leadership race. If I could look you in the eye on the radio, which is a little bit challenging, I would tell you it’s not something I’m think about. I’ll be happy to answer these questions after November.”

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