On Monday’s “Morning Joe” on MSNBC, host Joe Scarborough and Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol argued against the idea that immigration reform was in the Republican Party’s best interest:

Partial transcript as follows:

KRISTOL: Just let immigration go this year. It’s not an issue of urgency, it can be passed next year. A better immigration bill can be passed by a Republican House and a Republican Senate, perhaps next year. You have no leverage in this debate if you go to conference with this bill that passed the Democratic Senate …The Republican establishment, the Republican consultant class in Washington, and big business really want immigration reform, and they may try to jam it down the throats of actual Republican grassroots this year, and I think it’s the one thing that could actually cost Republicans the Senate [in 2014].

SCARBOROUGH: I want to double down on that one … The Washington Establishment, the New York Establishment, they all suggest that passing immigration reform is going to help Republicans with Hispanic voters this year. I can’t think of a single thing they could pass that could hurt them more in the midterm election than passing an immigration bill framed by Barack Obama and Harry Reid and a weakened Republican House.

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