Lauer to Palin: Romney Choose Running Mate With More Experience Than You Had?

Lauer to Palin: Romney Choose Running Mate With More Experience Than You Had?

Sarah Palin‘s Today show appearance Tuesday started with an interview with Matt Lauer, who asked Palin to share her thoughts on Romney and offer advice for whomever the future VP nominee should happen to be. Saying Romney is the “obvious front-runner,” Palin maintained that “anybody but Obama will be so much better for our country.” When Lauer pointed out that Palin didn’t necessarily seem happy with Romney as the presumptive nominee she said “anybody but Obama. I honestly believe that anybody running on a GOP ticket would be infinitely better than what we have today, with these failed socialist policies.” Then Lauer asked “If Mitt Romney is the nominee, one of the first real major decisions he’ll have to make is on a vice presidential candidate. When you were plucked from obscurity in 2008, you’d been Alaska’s governor about two years. You didn’t have any real experience on the national stage, and in this era of intense media scrutiny, you took some lumps. You had mixed results, as we all know. Do you think, if Mitt Romney is the nominee, he should choose someone with more experience on the national battlefield than you had at the time?”


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