Eric Holder Tells San Francisco Activists to Keep Fighting

The Associated Press
The Associated Press

Former Obama administration Attorney General Eric Holder provided a group of liberal lawyers and activists in San Francisco with a pep talk this week, and encouraged them to keep fighting President Donald Trump and his administration.

“You can’t just curl up in a fetal position,” Holder said Wednesday night to approximately 800 leftist lawyers at the Westin St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, he was speaking at the annual fundraiser for Legal Aid At Work. “It’s the responsibility of all of us to keep our hands on that arc,” he said. “There is fighting to be done, there are lawsuits to be brought. You can never underestimate the power of the American people.”

California, which has voted for the Democrat in every presidential election since 1992, is seen as the headquarters of the “Resistance” movement against Trump. To that effect, Holder told the crowd to be “unafraid and determined” because “[t]here’s a lot of creative negativity going on in Washington, and we’re going to have to stay busy.”

The Chronicle notes that the song “Revolution” by the Beatles played as Holder left the stage, following his pep talk.

In the Obama administration, Holder oversaw the smuggling of weapons across the Mexican border, in what became known as the Fast and Furious scandal. While the program was presented as a way to track drug cartels, it is believed it was also created as away to help Democrats push for greater gun control. Holder was eventually held in contempt of Congress.

Throughout the United States, and particularly in the deep blue state of California, at least 20 alumni of the Obama administration are running for political office to secure Obama’s name.

Adelle Nazarian is a politics and national security reporter for Breitbart News. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter.


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