During her 2020 Democratic Party Primary campaign for President, then-Senator Kamala Harris pledged to support the decriminalization of illegal immigration and free health care for illegal immigrants. After being named Border Czar for the Biden administration, Vice President Harris stood by and watched as more than 11 million migrants illegally entered the United States illegally.

During her 2020 campaign for president, Senator Harris repeatedly flip-flopped on the issue of decriminalizing illegal immigration, Breitbart News’ Joel Pollak reported at the time. During a Democratic Party candidate debate in June 2019, Harris was one of a group of her fellow Democrats who raised her hand indicating she was in favor of decriminalization. A short time later, Harris reversed her position during an interview on “The View,” saying, “I’m not in favor of decriminalizing or not having consequence for, let me be very clear, we have to have a secure border, but I am in favor of saying that we’re not going to treat people who are undocumented cross the border as criminals.”

Megan McCain pressed the liberal California senator on the issue, causing yet another reveal in Harris’s view on the subject. When pressed again, Harris said she would decriminalize illegal immigration and just make is a civil matter.

During the same debate in June, Harris also raised her hand in support of free healthcare for all illegal immigrants living in the United States, Breitbart reported.

“I support the process outlined in the Medicare for All bill, which ensures universal coverage,” Harris said regarding the bill which would provide free healthcare to illegal immigrants living in the United States.

Then-candidate Joe Biden attacked her position, calling it a “Bernie Sanders-lite Medicare for All.” He went on to say Harris was guilty of “a long and confusing pattern of equivocating” on health care.

In October 2018, Breitbart’s Joel Pollak wrote about the proposed “Mecicare for All” legislation, stating, “You can’t have universal health care and open borders.”

He went on to say:

The same people who say we should have “Medicare for All” also want to allow as many immigrants into the country as possible — legal or illegal. That would swiftly bankrupt and destroy whatever health care the government managed to provide, leaving Americans with nothing.

Apparently, the woman who may become the 2024 Democratic Party nominee for President of the United States believes you can. On Sunday, President Joe Biden ended his re-election bid and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to be his replacement at the top of the ticket.

Bob Price is the Breitbart Texas-Border team’s associate editor and senior news contributor. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday morning talk show. He also serves as president of Blue Wonder Gun Care Products