Cartel Gunmen Torch 3 Bars, 4 Stores in Mexican Western State ‘Terror Attack’

Morelia Bar Main
Breitbart Texas / Cartel Chronicles

Cartel gunmen in the Mexican state of Michoacan set fire to three bars and four stores as criminal organizations fight for the right to extort local businesses. In response to the arsons, a local business association expressed outrage at the conditions they have to work under. Some of the bars shut down while government officials tried to minimize the political impact of the fires.

Fires began Saturday in Morelia, the capital city of Michoacan. A group of at least five gunmen went to three upscale bars named Mint, Luv, and Vertical in an upscale neighborhood known as Altozano. No customers were injured in the fires, even though they took place in the early morning hours after most restaurants are supposed to be closed. Despite the time, all three were full of customers.

In the aftermath of the fire, the owners of Mint announced they would be closing their doors while the local restauranteurs association issued a statement denouncing the fires and asking to be able to work in peace.

The fires continued on Sunday night in the town of Uruapan, where a group of gunmen set fire to four stores in the San Francisco market area in the that city.

By Monday afternoon, the Michoacan Attorney General’s Office revealed that the fires at the bar could be considered terrorism, however, no one had filed any complaints about the case and authorities were investigating anyway.

Law enforcement sources consulted by Breitbart Texas revealed that the fires are tied to a turf war of sorts between Cartel Jalisco New Generation and a criminal group made up of the remnants of the Knights Templars, led by Alberto Espinoza “La Fresa” Barron. Initial information points to La Fresa’s men torching the businesses and threatening to kidnap those who refuse to pay a protection fee to his organization.

La Fresa

The issue began when gunmen from a CJNG faction led by Erick “El 85” Valencia ordered local businesses to stop paying protection fees claiming that he now controlled the region.

Editor’s Note: Breitbart Texas traveled to the Mexican States of Tamaulipas, Coahuila, Nuevo León, and other areas to recruit citizen journalists willing to risk their lives and expose the cartels silencing their communities. Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles are published in both English and in their original Spanish. This article was written by Jose Luis Lara, a former leading member who helped start the Self-Defense Movement in Michoacán.


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