A U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer is facing a prison sentence after pleading guilty to charges in connection with the smuggling of prescription medicine and liquor into Laredo, Texas.
This week, 41-year-old Simon Medina III went before U.S. District Judge Marina Garcia Marmolejo in Laredo and pleaded guilty to smuggling charges. According to information from the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Medina used his position as a CBP officer to allow three men to smuggle items into the country in exchange for money.
Court documents revealed that three men identified as Rafael Alvarez, Pablo Granado, and Jose Roberto Granado would allegedly coordinate with Medina to cross once a week. Between May and August 2020, Medina used his position to let the three men smuggle goods. Court documents point to at least 20 different occasions where Medina would open a lane and override security alerts at the border crossing. Court documents do not mention illegal substances being smuggled.
Medina is scheduled to be sentenced on June 1, 2022, where he could get up to five years in prison.
Luisana Moreno is a contributing writer for Breitbart Texas.