El Centro Sector Border Patrol agents found a cache of semi-automatic rifles and pistols in a stash house near the Arizona border with Mexico. The discovery followed the discovery of a smuggling operation and led to the arrest of five migrants, including the smuggler.

Agents patrolling the desert area east of the city of Calexico, California, in the evening hours of October 18 observed a Chevrolet Impala operating in a manner consistent with human smuggling, according to information provided by El Centro Sector Border Patrol officials. Officials said the activity took place in an area near the border that is a known corridor for human smuggling.

The agents followed the vehicle until it arrived at a trailer park in Yuma, Arizona. When the vehicle arrived, the agents observed multiple people jump out of the vehicle and run into one of the trailers.

Agents approached the trailer and knocked on the door. At that time, they observed several people run into a bathroom in the trailers. They also observed multiple firearms visible in plain sight.

The agents contacted the Yuma Police Department for assistance after observing the weapons. When the officers arrived, the team announced their presence and made entry into the trailer. Once entering, the agents took five undocumented migrants into custody.

A search of the trailer led to the seizure of two AR-15 rifles, four semi-automatic pistols, one revolver, three sets of ballistic body armor, ammunition, and a cattle prod, officials stated.

During an interview, one of the migrants admitted to being the driver of the Impala and the caretaker of the stash house. The agents placed all five under arrest and took them to the El Centro Sector Central Processing Station.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.