Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agents found a terrified 10-year-old migrant child near the Texas-Mexico border. Human smugglers abandoned him after bringing her illegally across the border.

Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief Patrol Agent Brian Hastings tweeted a video showing Border Patrol agents rescuing a ten-year-old boy. “The child was left behind by callous smugglers, alone and terrified, unaware of the dangers he could encounter,” the chief wrote.

Hastings said the agents found the little boy huddled under a farm tractor in the same area where agents found another child of the same age two weeks ago.

The video shows the child talking to the Border Patrol agent about his ordeal. “I’m lost,” the child tells the agent.

The agent asks the child where his mother is. He tells the agent she is in the United States. The agent reassures the distraught child that everything will be okay.

With the surge of unaccompanied minors being crossed into the United States by human smugglers, the number of rescues of children by Border Patrol agents has been on the increase.

Breitbart Texas’ Randy Clark, a retired Border Patrol agent with 32 years of experience, interviewed two other unaccompanied migrants found after being crossed over the Rio Grande.

The two children, ages 13 and 15, told Clark they did not know their father and did not know where their mother was. The brother and sister said they were headed to San Francisco where they have an uncle and grandfather to take care of them.

Border Patrol agents in the area at the time told Clark they are overwhelmed by the current levels of border crossings in such a short time-frame.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.