Robert Morrow, the controversial Travis County, Texas, GOP Chairman who was last seen outside an Austin Trump rally holding a sign that said “Trump is a Child Rapist” has resigned because he has declared himself a write-in candidate for president of the United States.
The chairman of the Republican Party of Texas, Tom Mechler, released a statement providing that “In accordance with state law, upon filing as a write-in candidate for President of the United States on August 19th, 2016, Robert Morrow became ineligible to hold the office of Travis County Republican Chair. There is absolutely no place for rhetoric as distasteful as Mr. Morrows in the Republican Party of Texas. We are excited to move forward with the Travis County GOP and the new incoming Chair as soon as an election is held to fill the position.”
As reported on August 23, the Travis County Republican Party chairman was leading the protest against GOP nominee Donald Trump when Trump was in Austin for a campaign town hall. The county chairman dressed up in a jester’s hat and carried a sign calling Trump a “child rapist.”
Breitbart Texas has followed Morrow since he took office in the spring of 2016. As reported, Morrow was making headlines for outrageous comments. He correctly noted on Twitter, “Driving them up the f**king wall, Master Troll style. Do not try this at home.”
Morrow immediately caught the attention of the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the New York Daily News – all who quickly jumped on the opportunity to bring negative attention to the self-proclaimed Republican. GOP Texans saw him as a huge liability to the party and immediately vowed to get rid of him.
Morrow’s tweets use vile, sexually-explicit language, and his photos of partial and nude women illustrates his admitted preoccupation with sizable breasts.
Morrow unexpectedly snatched-up the election for Republican Party chair in Travis County on Super Tuesday.
On election night, he tweeted about former governor and presidential candidate’s Rick Perry’s sexual orientation, and said Bill Clinton calls Hillary Clinton an “angry bull dyke.” He and his followers wax on about his “11 inch penis.”
Morrow, a co-author of the book “The Clinton’s War on Women,” captured the chairman race with 56.44 percent of the vote.
In 2011, Morrow stirred up pachyderms in the state with his accusations that then-Governor Rick Perry was gay. He also said that it is “very likely” that George H.W. Bush was involved in J.F.K.’s assassination. He reasoned that Bush was a high-ranking CIA member in Texas in 1963, and was supported by the same people that were supporting Lyndon Baines Johnson.
He gave a reporter (see video) at the Austin American Statesman a book that allegedly states that there was a pedophile ring servicing the elite levels of the Republican party in the 1980’s. He told the reporter that he was “A Truth-Seeker” and “A Truth-Teller” “even if it is the ugly truth.”
Currently, Morrow apparently has at least two Twitter accounts in which he disseminates his shocking and scandalous slurs and other messages.
His Twitter account, @RobMorroLiberty, contains pornographic language and scurrilous accusations about public figures currently in the limelight. He also appears to have another Twitter account, @LBJCIAkilledJFK.
Morrow graduated from Princeton and has an MBA from the University of Texas. He has apparently been financially successful in his business as an investor. The Travis County Appraisal District lists his home’s value at $915,908.
To those who contemplated removing the GOP embarrassing agitator, Morrow responded immediately after his election, “If I do not complete my term as Chair of the Travis Republican Party, it is because I will be Sec. of Sensitivity Training in a Trump Admin”.
Lana Shadwick is a contributing writer and legal analyst for Breitbart Texas. She has served as an associate judge and prosecutor in Texas. Follow her on Twitter @LanaShadwick2