Glenn Beck: Ahmed’s ‘Clock’ Could be Dog Whistle for Islamists

Photo: The Blaze Video Screenshot

Glenn Beck said that Ahmed’s “clock” could be a PR stunt or a “dog whistle” for Islamists.  These comments came during an interview by Glenn Beck of Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne on The Blaze.

Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne appeared on The Blaze and was interviewed by Glenn Beck on Tuesday. During the interview, Beck put forward the idea that the incident involving the clock might be part of an orchestrated conspiracy of creeping Islamist jihad. He likened the incident to a dog whistle event for jihadists around the world. He speculated the incident could be part of Democratic efforts to turn Texas blue or for Muslims to have a “boogeyman” to gin up, Mediate reported.

The Irving mayor would not quite sign on to that theory but questioned the rapid attention the incident garnered from the White House.  “In fact,” Van Duyne responded, “I don’t even think the picture of the hoax bomb was released before [President Obama] tweeted out, ‘Cool clock, kid.'”

Jim Hansen with the Center for Security Policy sided with Beck and questioned why Ahmed would bring the clock to school in the first place.

Van Duyne implied there is more to the story than has been released. She said the Mohamed family should allow the school to release all of the information related to the incident. “This is one side of the story,” the mayor said, “but the other side of the story is not coming out.”

Beck asked Hansen if there was “Any doubt in your mind that this is really kind of the final throes of weakening us to the point to where we don’t ask any questions, to be ready for final confrontation? Total confrontation?”

“No,” Hanson replied. He continued, explaining that Mohamed was a “pawn” who had been put up to creating the incident.

Mohamed’s clock has been the subject of skeptical criticism, even from members of left media icons like Bill Maher and Richard Dawkins, according to Mediaite. On his show, Real Time with Bill Maher, the host became the surprising voice of reason, saying, “”Could we have a little perspective about this? Did the teacher really do the wrong thing?”

“What if it had been a bomb?” Maher continued, “So the teacher is supposed to see something that looks like a bomb and go, ‘Oh wait, this just might be my white privilege talking? I sure don’t want to be politically incorrect, so I’ll just let it go?'”

Breitbart Texas contacted the Irving Police Department. Spokesman Jame McLellan responded that the case surrounding the controversial clock is closed and no charges will be filed.


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