Breitbart Texas Bob Price discusses Oklahoma beheading on Fox News

Breitbart Texas Bob Price discusses Oklahoma beheading on Fox News

HOUSTON, Texas — Breitbart Texas News Contributor Bob Price appeared on the Kelly File Monday night. Price discussed the conversation he had with the mother of accused Islamic beheading suspect Alton Nolen. He also reminded Kelly’s audience that Nolen went to prison for beating an Oklahoma Trooper before he converted to Islam.

Price appeared on the Kelly File along with Judge Andrew Napolitano, and KWTV news anchor Kelly Ogle from Oklahoma City. Price discussed a phone conversation he had with the accused killer’s mother, Joyce Nolen, on Sunday night. Mrs. Nolen confirmed during her interview with Price that it was her son who was involved in the brutal attack. In a video released on Nolen’s sister’s Facebook page, Mrs. Nolen claimed that the Alton Nolen she raised, is not the same Alton that killed one woman, and violently assaulted another.

“It’s interesting to note,” Price said, “the son that she raised actually went to prison for beating an Oklahoma trooper before converting to Islam. He is not the innocent little boy that she is trying to portray.” Kelly then showed a clip of a video interview with the beaten trooper.

Price discussed his interview that he and Breitbart Texas news contributor Kristin Tate had with Saad Mohammed, the Board Chair of Oklahoma’s Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Their investigation revealed that Nolen attended the same Mosque as did imprisoned 9/11 conspirator Zacarias Moussoui. Price said the two did not attend during overlapping periods, but they did attend the same Mosque at the Islamic Center of Oklahoma City.

Lana Shadwick is a contributing writer and legal analyst for Breitbart Texas. Follow her on Twitter @LanaShadwick2.


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