If you think you can’t wait for this year’s election to be over with, you might just have to wait just a bit beyond election day if you happen to live in North Carolina – that according to a new report from CQ Roll Call.

Both parties are readying themselves for a potential recount scenario.

The campaigns for both Sen. Kay Hagan, D-N.C., and Republican state Speaker Thom Tillis confirmed to CQ Roll Call they are making preparations in case of a recount in one of the country’s most competitive races. Recent polls show a tied race, and this week the Rothenberg Political Report/Roll Call moved the race to Tossup this week from Tilts Democratic.

“It’d be kind of silly for us not to [prepare],” said Todd Poole, the executive director of the North Carolina Republican Party.

A win for either candidate “with less than 0.5 percent of the total votes cast, or 10,000 votes, whichever is less” would trigger a recount. Political watchers believe it could easily happen given the current closeness of the race.

North Carolina Democrats are also preparing for a recount … just in case.