Vice President Joe Biden made the remarks below to participants,  “including some injured veterans” taking part in the 325 mile Ride 2 Recovery Memorial Challenge that stretches from D.C. to Virginia Beach.

The individual that introduced him reminded the audience of Biden’s now infamous “big f*cking deal” comment. Biden now claims it was a lip reader that did him in. That runs contrary to reports at the time which indicate it was caught on an open mic.

Biden also seems a tad confused about what the word ‘intentional’ means. 

“I just want you to know, I didn’t intentionally say that,” he continued. “I actually turned and I said, ‘Mr. President,’ and I whispered in his ear. Unfortunately, I was looking in the direction of one guy who could actually read lips – not a joke. Because no one picked it up at the time and one of the reporters read lips. 

Thank God my mother was gone or I’d have been one dead vice president.”