Found: The Greyhound Stop at Amtrak Union Station, Los Angeles

Found: The Greyhound Stop at Amtrak Union Station, Los Angeles

The Internet is a font of information. When you run a simple Google search for something, you generally get too many details, and have to separate the signals from the noise. Not so when looking for the precise location of the Greyhound bus stop at Amtrak’s Union Station in Los Angeles. The Internet came up completely empty for me today. And so did Greyhound itself, which does not know where its own bus stop is located.

Union Station is a large complex. It has at least two entrances, which are far apart, and different buses arrive at each. That makes the precise location of the Greyhound bus stop very important: you could wait for your bus on one side, only to find that it has arrived and departed at the other. The Greyhound website has a “station locator,” which indicates that a “Los Angls Amtrak” station exists, but does not provide any more information.

I tried calling the main Greyhound station in Los Angeles, but no one answered the phone at any extension, no matter what number I selected from the automated menu. I tried the main Greyhound number and eventually spoke to a man who said that the stop’s location was not “in the system.” His supervisor could not find it, either. I gave up and went to the main Greyhound terminal. They did not know where the Amtrak stop was, either.

Our driver did, though, and drove there. We picked up a passenger or two–who obviously knew where the stop was–before continuing on our way. I never would have found it myself. For the record, it is on the north side of the station, not the front or the Patsaouras Transit Plaza in back. As a public service, I’ve included an image of the location (above) and a link. Here you go, Internet. You’re welcome. And no thanks to you, Greyhound.


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