Politics 101: First you win, then you govern. It’s a course in reality. 

Spending and Deficits 

This is the original and ongoing gripe of the real tea party, not the corrupted and co-opted elements whether by politicians, political figures or interest groups. Taxed enough already and too much wasteful spending. What should be done to address this issue. 


Does GOP have an alternative plan? What needs to happen. Has the disastrous rollout given the GOP an opportunity ahead of the midterm elections? Will they seize it? Does the GOP have an alternative plan for healthcare?


Not happening this year, but will Republicans agree on a platform before working with Democrats?  If not now, when is it in the GOPs best interest to take a stand on immigration?

Social Issues 

Do social issues like same sex marriage, abortion, “war on women,” and religious liberty matter to voters? Does the GOP need to change its stance on certain issues (i.e. contraception, gay marriage) to win? 


Can we unite under one banner; How can Republicans broaden their base? Are people being left out of the conversation (i.e. minority groups, women, LGBT community)? 

There are Republicans of all types across this great country and as was attributed to Pres. Reagan “my 80% friend is not my 20% enemy.” Now go forth GOP and win one for the Gipper and the American people.