Awkward: Reporter Asks President About His Socialist Policies (Video)

In response to Obama Is Everything ‘Alex’ Warned About:

Another fun moment from Obama’s press conference with French President Francois Hollande, yesterday, occurred when a french reporter asked the president (Hollande – not Obama) about his ruinous Socialist policies. 

It should be noted that Obama’s latest “best friend” on the world stage is currently rocking a 22% approval rating in France, which is actually up from last Fall’s low of 15%.

Via Andrew Johnson at NRO:

When Hollande, a member of France’s Socialist party, was asked whether he thinks his 75 percent tax rate on millionaires and other leftist economic policies were scaring off investors, President Obama took comfort in his French counterpart’s being the recipient of the label rather than him.

“It’s good to know that reporters have something in common in both France and United States,” Obama quipped.

I don’t even know what Obama was trying to say there – (reporters in both the US and France ask questions?) and I have to say – I resent the way reporters always laugh on cue when they think the president is making a joke – even when it’s not remotely funny. 

But that question should have made the president uncomfortable because there is no doubt in my mind that if he were a European pol, Obama would also be a member of the Socialist party. 


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