The mid term elections this Fall are going to be rough for Democrats judging from recent polls that show the public recoiling from their preferred policy initiatives. Whether we’re talking about income inequality, Obamacare, or abortion on demand, Democrats are on very shaky ground as far as public opinion is concerned.
The president plans to use the State of the Union speech, Tuesday, to talk about the Democrats’ 2014 campaign-year theme of income inequality, but only 13% of the American people believe it’s the government’s job to address the issue, according to a new Fox News poll.
The poll finds that only a small minority of voters (13 percent) thinks the government should do something about the fact some people make a lot more money than others. A 62-percent majority is okay with disparities in income “because that’s just how the economy works.” Another 21 percent say income inequality “stinks,” but still think the government “shouldn’t get involved.”
Reducing income inequality – Obama’s top priority for the rest of his term – is something only 13% of the American people support.
The reason for the surprising findings is that despite decades of liberal indoctrination, most voters don’t see success as a zero-sum game.
Only 12 percent say if someone makes a lot of money it means someone else has to make less, while the vast majority – 84 percent don’t think it works that way.
The poll also shows that many voters think government involvement can make things worse:
..for example, 55 percent think giving unemployment benefits to people who have been out of work for a long time discourages them from looking for a job. More voters than not in both higher and lower income groups say the benefits keep people from trying to find work.
A new Gallup poll shows that 2/3 of the American people believe that the federal government is too big and too powerful – which is obviously bad news for the party of big government.
Add to this the growing unpopularity of ObamaCrash – the gift to Republicans that keeps on giving. In Gallup’s latest poll, the ACA fell to its lowest approval rating in over a year – 38%.
The most optimistic numbers crunchers show that Democrats have a 1% chance of retaking the house.
Before the end of this year, when up to 80 million people on employer based health insurance plans see their plans canceled – that number should fall to 0 %. Meanwhile, the only thing preventing the GOP from taking the Senate is self-immolation (unfortunately not out of the question.)
Another of the Democrats’ favorite campaign themes – their indispensable “War on Women” pro-choice/pro-free contraception-for-all narrative – is endangered by the fact that the vast majority of an increasingly pro-life electorate believe there should be more restrictions on abortion, and oppose the HHS contraception mandate..
Less than 20 percent of respondents in a new Marist poll voiced support for legal abortion beyond the first trimester.
Forty-four percent adopted a view that would broadly qualify as “pro-choice.” Fifty-six percent, however, said abortion should only be permitted in very limited circumstances, or not at all.
Meanwhile, a recent Rasmussen poll shows that a majority of voters oppose the contraception mandate.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 38% of Likely U.S. Voters still believe businesses should be required by law to provide health insurance that covers all government-approved contraceptives for women without co-payments or other charges to the patient. Fifty-one percent (51%) disagree and say employers should not be required to provide health insurance with this type of coverage.
2014 could be a great year for Republicans if they play their cards right – that is – they refrain from pushing unpopular legislation only tiny minorities consider a priority, and they unite behind, and push an alternative to ObamaCare.
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