JAPAN – A 25-year-old male company worker was arrested January 9, and charged with assault after spreading mayonnaise on a high school girl on a train station escalator. It was reported that the suspect was unmistakably recognized. 

Police say the condiment yielding perpetrator struck October 10th at around 7:10 pm at the Kawanishi-Noesguchi station, putting mayonnaise on the back of a 15-year-old female student from a private school in Itami-city. The girl was standing in front of him on the escalator heading down.

The girl told police she heard a strange sound on the escalator and turned around to see a man standing behind her.  She realized what had happened shortly thereafter in the bathroom at the station. 

Police investigated six similar incidents, all of which occurred last October in the vicinity of the same station. The suspect was apprehended after police viewed CCTV images. 

There are many unusual uses for mayonnaise. It can be used as a hair conditioner. It can polish ivory keys on a piano. It can also remove tar.

And now, it can get you arrested.