Congressman Alan Grayson has just recieved and unwelcomed greeting from his very own extreme liberal wing of the Democrat  Party, a primary challenger.


 Nick Ruiz, who is philosophy and humanities professor the University of Florida, is by all appearances  trying to out-crazy and out-liberal Alan Grayson with his positions on major issues, has just announced that he will challenge the self-proclaimed “Congressman With Guts” in the 2014 Democrat primary election next August.

  You may find it hard to believe that anyone could stand further to the left than Grayson, but amigo Ruiz is making a pretty good case for himself.

  This is like pouring salt in an open wound, as it was learned that Grayson’s wife has filed for divorce on January 6, not to mention all of the negative press he has been receiving over some controversial statements and  political moves he has made. 

 Before Ruiz jumped into the race, Grayson was already possibly facing a tough challenge from Republican Navy veteran Jorge Bonilla, who recently ripped into Grayson for agreeing to listen to an individual from Yemen, that was denied a visa from the State Department, because of his is suspected of having ties to Al Qaeda.