In response to Hating On ObamaCare Somewhere In The Pacific:
In his “Fresh Pickings From The Political Grapevine” segment on Fox News’ Special Report, Bret Baier, covered Executive Editor Richard Wolffe’s ridonculous nomination for 2013’s “Losers of the year” as seen on MSNBC’s The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell, December 30.
We have told you for months about the shoddy website rollout — mass plan cancellations — low enrollment — misinformation — and the many other issues plaguing ObamaCare.
Put simply — it’s a story that just is not going away.
Despite all of this – Executive Editor Richard Wolffe thinks “ObamaCare haters” were the biggest losers of 2013.
The Fox host then recited Wolffe’s outlandish remarks:
“They really thought they had that moment. The health care site was just ready to fail completely, this was the last chance that they could stop this train wreck.”
“And then it got fixed. And then people started to get better health care.”
“And all of those individual stories that they globbed on to and said — ‘Look, someone didn’t get the health care’ — it turned out to be untrue.”
Wolffe went on to compare ObamaCare opponents to people still fighting WWII on a lost island.
Moving on to his next story, Baier put up the latest Fox poll that shows two out of three Americans want ObamaCare delayed at least a year.
“That’s a lot of haters,” Baier concluded.
Video here.
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