It seems Esquire magazine reached out to House Speaker John Boehner for an endorsement to include in their January issue and Boehner chose having breakfast at a diner.

No word on whether or not Speaker Boehner enjoys a spot of tea with his morning meal. Perhaps not.


By John Boehner

Most mornings when I’m in Washington, I have breakfast at the same place.  It’s a diner.  A joint a few blocks from the Capitol and a few blocks from the basement apartment where I stay in D.C. 

I get up early and go for a walk, and then stop by the diner on my way back to my apartment to read the news on my iPad and a stack of memos to prepare for the day.  It’s a comforting ritual, particularly in the dead of winter.

Ever the politician, Boehner used the meme to connect himself back to his roots in Ohio.

It’s an anchor to my day, a way to feel like I’m home in Ohio no matter where I am.  That’s why I endorse breakfast at a diner.