Yes, is a disaster. Yes, ObamaCare seems to fall apart a little more each day. Yes, a delay of the individual mandate could be imminent. Yes, the entirety of ObamaCare will be a mess. And yes, the GOP should be pointing out these things consistently.

However, that’s not all the GOP should be doing.

In the midst of this ObamaCare chaos, I want to see a concise, well-articulated, detailed GOP health-care reform alternative. I want to see sharp messengers on TV clearly presenting that alternative every day.

And guess what? I want to see it showcased on a website that works.

Place your free market-centered, individual choice-centered, pro-competition-centered vision beside ObamaCare’s overstuffed, inefficient bureaucratic mess. And do it quickly.

Criticizing what someone else is doing wrong is part of the job. But presenting a superior, efficient, reliable alternative is a bigger part.

GOP, remember–It’s time to inspire people to vote for something, not against something else. Give them a reason to embrace your vision. And do it now.

Follow Jedediah on Twitter @JedediahBila