Egypt's Protests By The Numbers

Consider the number of protesters in Egypt that surfaced on Sunday demanding the resignation of President Mohamed Morsi, who has only been in office for one year. Radio Sawa anchor Zaid Benjamin reported 17 million protesters appeared demanding the ouster of the Muslim Brotherhood president. 

Given Egypt’s 85 million people, at least 20 percent of its population reportedly showed up to tell their leader to leave office, and the message is being heard loud and clear. The protests are heading into day three on Tuesday.  Five ministers in Morsi’s cabinet tendered their resignations to Prime Minister Hisham Qandil on the second day of the demonstrations. 

At least one million protested Egypt’s former president Hosni Mubarak in 2011. Mubarak was ousted after 18 days of mass protests. Mubarak led Egypt for nearly 30 years following the assassination of Anwar Sadat. 



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