‘Anti-Pervert’ Hairy Leggings Catch Fire Among Chinese Girls

‘Anti-Pervert’ Hairy Leggings Catch Fire Among Chinese Girls

In an attempt to keep unwanted male attention at bay, girls in China have embraced hairy leggings…or leggings covered in hair…or hirsute stockings. 

On a popular Chinese microblogging service called Sina Weibo, @HappyZhangJiang wrote “Super sexy, summertime anti-pervert full-leg-of-hair stockings, essential for all young girls going out.”

There was no evidence given to support a pervert’s aversion to hairy legs.  However, recently the Daily Mail ran a story showing the unshorn legs of Demi Moore in Los Angeles. And guess what? She was alone in every picture. 

Photo Sina Weibo


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