A short documentary by Jan Morgan of JanMorganMedia, called “Rampant Injustice”  exposes the federal abuse of power that has taken place since Obama was elected. This underexposed video documents the  egregious trampling of the Constitutional rights of Americans during white collar crime investigations by the Department of Justice and the Criminal Investigation Division of the Internal Revenue Service. 

Between 2009 and 2011, IRS audits against small businesses increased 32%. Federal warrants against businesses have also increased substantially with many of the raids conducted by SWAT teams. 

Among the hundreds of businesses raided by the IRS and Department of Justice, using paramilitary, gestapo like tactics, was Mountain Pure Water Bottling Company and Duncan Outdoors, Inc., both situated in Arkansas and Gibson Guitar located in Tennessee. Their stories are profiled in the documentary which has been up on YouTube since October 31 of last year. The abusive targeting practices of the IRS toward conservative organizations  have finally made the news,  but these stories need exposure too. 

The IRS and DOJ are out of control, and have been at war against small businesses.

At 8:00 a.m. on January 18, 2012, 40 -50 heavily armed, hostile government agents raided Mountain Pure water, scaring the dickens out of everyone in the building.

What you’re about to see is a reenactment of something that really happened.  The owner, John Stacks told me on the phone that it was even worse than depicted in the video. He says he was cursed at, spat on,  and bullied in such an egregious fashion, he felt like they were trying to provoke him to react violently. His son, Court Stacks, the General Manager, had a loaded gun pointed to his face. His seven and a half month pregnant wife watched news coverage of the raid at home in horror. She would later lose the baby. 

“I am not a militant”, Jerry Miller the Comptroller of Mountain Pure Water said. “They’ve thrown the Constitution away!” 

 John Stacks (a Republican) and his  son Ryan, an attorney, were not allowed to enter the building. Why? According to Miller, one of the agents told him, “we’re the federal government and we can do anything we want to.”

“They threw our liberties out the window”, Miller concluded. “They treated us like third class citizens…if people are not outraged, they need to be. This used to be America – now it’s not.”

“I never fathomed that something to this extent could take place in the United States”, said Ryan Stacks. He went on to say they were being  treated similarly to “some type of terrorists, essentially.”  

Duncan Outdoors faced a similar gestapo like raid with the eerily familiar refrain from one of the officers, “we’re from the IRS and we can do anything we want.”

John Stacks told me he lost business over the episode, because people generally think you’ve done something wrong when you get raided by the feds. Stacks’ “crime” stems from financial records being sought regarding a FEMA loan he got after a tornado destroyed one of his properties in May of 2008. The harassment started about a year and a half later, he said, on a loan he’s never been late in  paying.

“This documentary is not about the guilt or innocence of the citizens involved”, said Jan Morgan, an Investigative TV Journalist and Conservative Columnist said at the end of the video. “It is about the increasing number of unconstitutional, paramilitary, gestapo style raid tactics involving two agencies of the federal government.” 

*Clarification: It was an SBA loan he secured through FEMA to recover the tornado losses to his home, warehouse, and associated equipment.

Mr. Stacks told James Simpson of AIM that the SBA “apparently doesn’t believe that assets listed as damaged in the storm were actually damaged.”