Wired magazine has apparently been contacted by the former FBI agent who served as a consultant on Eagle Eye. He says LaBeouf’s claims on Jay Leno were just a way to sell the film.

Thomas Knowles tells Wired “I like Shia, he’s a good kid. I don’t want to speak for him, but he was just trying to promote his movie.” Knowles says he was unaware that LaBeouf had made this claim back in 2008. He only learned about it recently when some friends pointed it out to him.

Knowles offered his reaction to Wired “Had I known his thing existed a long time ago, I would have had a
talk with him and said what the F are you doing? Do not go around saying
crap like that…We’re talking with his camp now to make a retraction.”

So, okay, maybe it was just salesmanship. I suggested that might be the case when I posted the clip last week (note: several days before any of the outlets Wired cites).

I still wonder about the comments by former FBI agent Tim Clemente who told CNN’s Erin Burnett last month that the FBI had ways of getting access to call content after the fact. Clemente was not selling a movie at the time.