Fox News Should Focus on Keeping Terrorists from Guns, Not the Other Way Around

Frank May/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images
Frank May/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images

Fox News personalities Gretchen Carlson and Bill O’Reilly have chosen to respond to the Orlando terror attack by focusing on guns. They are fighting to keep guns away from terrorists — an approach that can only result in more gun laws for law-abiding citizens — instead of fighting to keep terrorists away from guns.

The fight that involves passing more gun control for law-abiding citizens is illogical and only makes law-abiding citizens more vulnerable as a consequence of a terror attack in which they played no role. But a fight to keep terrorists away from guns is a logical one and is one that focuses on the those committing terror acts, on rooting them out before they can strike America again. And while they are being rooted out, law-abiding Americans still have their guns and can acquire even more — if desired — in order to protect their lives, families, and property.

Democrats seize on a heinous act committed by one person and treat it as an opportunity to further infringe the Second Amendment rights of all Americans. This is their mindset. And weak Republicans like Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) are quick to stand with the Democrats in this endeavor — even going so far as to take part in their June 15 filibuster for gun control.

But Fox News is not the Democratic Party. Yet Carlson’s push for an AR-15 ban and O’Reilly’s contention that “high-powered weaponry is too easy to get” in America sounds just like something Democratic leaders like President Obama and Hillary Clinton would say. In fact, Carlson invoked Obama’s name during her push for an AR-15 ban — pointing out that he has been pushing for one since December 2012 but Congress refuses to sign off on it.

Honestly, what’s going here? Is Fox News waving the white flag in the fight for gun rights? Have they thrown in the towel?

The fight to keep guns out of the hands of terrorists is misdirected, at best, and hurts all Americans. Consider Carlson’s AR-15 ban — it will affect citizens who have never even been to Florida, much less Orlando.

The proper way to approach this is by keeping terrorists away from guns. And that fight does not begin with new gun laws but with a secure border and law enforcement agencies that are liberated from the politically correct rules that prevent them from rooting out the bad guys and deporting them or putting them in custody.

People in custody don’t typically carry out a lot of mass shootings with any type of gun.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at


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