Guardian Caught Lying About Rand Paul Walking Out of Interview

rand paul

The same mainstream media that regularly gives tongue baths to Barack Obama is currently coordinating a narrative around Republican Senator Rand Paul’s temperament. Earlier this week, NBC’s Chuck Todd and the Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza denigrated their female colleagues by suggesting Paul needs to be nicer to them. This line of attack paints Paul as both a sexist and temperamental. Friday, The Guardian tried to join this Ready-For-Hillary pile on but was caught lying.

Friday morning The Guardian told the world that during an interview, Paul not only walked our of an interview but shut the lights out on them. The reporter falsely suggested the same.

It was all a lie. In the video, you’ll see Paul tells the reporter he only has time for one more question. Once that question is asked and answered, the reporter presses on. And there’s nothing wrong with that. I do it all the time in interviews.

Paul, however, had an interview scheduled with CNN’s Dana Bash. So he walks off. There’s also nothing wrong with that. Abruptly cutting off an interviewer pushing the time limit happens all the time. It’s happened to me. You don’t know that, though, because I’m a professional. I don’t crybaby about it or try to sucker punch my interview subjects by making an issue out of a non-issue.

It also turns out that it was CNN who shut off the lights, probably to optimize whatever lighting set-up they had in place for their own Rand Paul interview.

I do hope, however, that Rand Paul treated Dana Bash with kid gloves. According to many of her MSM colleagues, like Chris Cillizza, women in the media can’t handle a tough interview in the same way a man can.

UPDATE: Naturally, Politico is pushing the lie about Paul. I will guarantee Dylan Byers has pressed for more answers past the time limit, been abruptly cut off, and not thought a thing of it. But Narratives against the GOP will always trump a journalist’s integrity.


John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC             


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