Hollywood Melts Down During Kavanaugh Hearings: ‘Motherf***ing Soulless GOP Scum’

Relativity Media/Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images/NBC

Hollywood celebrities reacted to SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s Senate hearing on Twitter Tuesday with unhinged angry attacks on President Donald Trump and Republican Senators.

Before the hearings began, comedian Chelsea Handler called for the Senate to block the Brett Kavanaugh nomination.

“We can’t let them roll back the progress we’ve made on women’s rights. We’ve got to keep fighting. The hearings start Tuesday. We’ve tied up their phone lines, now let’s flood their mailboxes! Send this postcard to urge your Senator to ,” Handler tweeted.

Handler has previously said that Kavanaugh “will turn back the clock on decades worth of progress for women.”

“Here’s what we’ve learned so far from the hearing: 1) There’s nothing elderly white men love more than interrupting women. 2) There’s nothing elderly white men hate more than being interrupted by women. And we already knew all that,” TBS host Samantha Bee tweeted Tuesday.

Rosie O’Donnell tweeted her support for “every woman protesting the kavanaugh appointment.”

In response to Sen. Kamala Harris interrupting the proceedings, Kathy Griffin tweeted, “I love .”

Alyssa Milano also sounded off, asking her fans and followers to help her “save America,” by telling their senators to block Kavanaugh’s nomination.

“I’m not going to stop talking about this. I’m not going to stop asking you to participate. Because we need you to save America. I wish I were kidding,” the Netflix star said.

ABC Modern Family producer Danny Zuker wrote, “Pardon my legalese but these motherfucking soulless GOP scum gargglers were able to find it in their ossified hearts the power to kill a SCOTUS nom by delaying for a FUCKING YEAR, but they can’t wait a couple weeks so we can research the pick of an unindicted co-conspirator?!”

Other Hollywood figures tweeted their opposition and anger to Brett Kavanaugh and the Republican Party.



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