Tom Steyer: Impeach Trump for ‘Corruption’

Tom Steyer impeachment (Spencer Platt / Getty)
Spencer Platt / Getty

Left-wing impeachment activist Tom Steyer believes Democrats should try to impeach President Donald Trump for “corruption” instead of anything related to “Russia collusion.”

Steyer reportedly told BuzzFeed reporters on Sunday evening about a “previously undisclosed survey of 200,000 people” that his Need to Impeach group conducted. The survey reportedly found that “30% of respondents said the president should be impeached for corruption.”

Steyer reportedly alleged that Trump is “the most corrupt president in American history, somebody who is breaking the law on a daily basis.”

The billionaire’s remarks also reveal that even the most anti-Trump left-wing activists may not care as much about the so-called “Russia collusion” narrative that the media have been intent on trying to push since Trump got elected.

Though left-wing politicians from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) have cautioned Democrats against running on impeachment in 2018, with Pelosi even saying that doing so would be a “gift” to Republicans, Steyer is reportedly ramping up his so-called $110 million “impeachment army” with 1,000 staff members and at least 2,000 volunteers across his organizations.

On Monday, Steyer announced that he would be adding another $10 million to his efforts to get Trump impeached even though a majority of voters in numerous polls conducted since April have said they oppose impeaching Trump.

Steyer has compared the movement to impeach Trump to the civil rights movement and has argued that Democrats need to embrace the impeachment movement to take back Congress in 2018.


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